Global Strategy
Building Markets’ global strategy reflects a renewed commitment to tackle inequality around the world by advancing inclusive economies that work for all.
Small businesses represent 90% of firms in the world and provide 70% of all jobs, but many small business owners from economically vulnerable communities are not achieving their full potential. When this happens, families and communities are left behind and we all lose out. We identify three root causes: small businesses don’t pursue or win all the economic opportunities for which they are qualified; buyers (public and private sector) favor well-established, larger suppliers; and economic, social, and political conditions disproportionately sideline communities affected by marginalization.
In this five-year strategy, we outline our theory of change and ambition for impact. By 2028, we will open pathways to opportunity for small business owners using our digital marketplace, bespoke small business data, market-access training, and access to working capital.
Files Available for Download
Strategy in English (PDF, 11 MB)
Strategy in Spanish (PDF, 11 MB)
Strategy in Turkish (PDF, 11 MB)