Our Model

Building Markets empowers small business owners — who create more than 70% of the world’s jobs — to create quality jobs where they are needed the most. To date we have helped create more than 75,000 jobs for women, refugees, and other vulnerable people around the world.

Small business. Big impact.

Globally, small businesses represent nine out of ten businesses and are also the largest employers, providing 70% of jobs in the world.

But small businesses, particularly those from communities affected by marginalization, are not achieving their full potential. This stems from three root causes:

  • Small businesses don’t pursue or win all the economic opportunities for which they are qualified

  • Buyers favor well-established larger suppliers

  • Economic, social, and political conditions disproportionately sideline communities affected by marginalization

We exist to address these problems because families and communities are left behind when markets exclude small businesses, and we all lose out on their missed potential.

Delivering Impact at Scale

In September 2023, Building Markets launched on a new five-year strategic plan to deliver impact at scale. By 2028, we aim to unlock $400 million in revenue for 30,000 small businesses across Latin America, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.

Read Our Global Strategy

Our Strategy

Building on a growing body of evidence, which points to market-access as a critical component of small businesses support, we open market opportunities by finding local small businesses and verifying their operations through deep data collection, building their commercial capacity through digital markets, procurement, and export training, and connecting buyers and suppliers to do more business with one another, ultimately creating jobs where they are needed most. By working with the most vulnerable, including refugees, women, and other marginalized groups, to offer a pathway to economic resilience, our teams around the world are rebuilding communities, transforming futures, and creating the conditions for peace.

For the past ten years, every $1 invested in BuMa has generated $8 of revenue for small businesses.

Our Model

Our evidence-driven model opens pathways for small business owners affected by marginalization by providing bespoke small business data, access to a digital marketplace, market access training, and access to working capital.

  • We develop the best market information by verifying small businesses through in-depth surveys and trusted relationships with municipal government partners.

  • We enhance the commercial and digital capacity of small businesses through training and advisory services, helping them compete in a global marketplace.

  • We improve market efficiency for small businesses through tender distribution services, matchmaking services, and access to working capital.

  • We engage regional and national stakeholders to advocate for the integration of displaced small businesses in the economy.

How we help all people rise.

Building Markets cultivates a vibrant network for small business owners, so they have opportunities to transform their lives and communities.

Using evidence to drive impact.

Our global theory of change sets out to create a long-lasting impact by addressing the root causes of economic exclusion for small businesses from marginalized communities.

Read Our Theory of Change

Our Partners