New Report: The Impact of Social Cohesion Policies of Türkiye on the Economic Integration of Syrian Business Owners and Entrepreneurs in Türkiye

New Report: The Impact of Social Cohesion Policies of Türkiye on the Economic Integration of Syrian Business Owners and Entrepreneurs in Türkiye

December 27, 2023 | Bora Arican

In the vibrant tapestry of Türkiye’s economic landscape, the resilience and integration of Syrian entrepreneurs play a pivotal role. Understanding the challenges they face is not just an academic pursuit, but a critical exploration into shaping policies that can foster economic inclusion. Our latest report, “The Impact of Social Cohesion Policies of Türkiye on the Economic Integration of Syrian Business Owners and Entrepreneurs,” is a culmination of a dedicated effort to unravel the complexities of this journey.

This report seeks to amplify the voices of Syrian entrepreneurs navigating a unique set of challenges and shed light on the intricacies of social cohesion policies influencing their economic integration. Developed in collaboration with our local partner, the Freedom Research Association (FRA), we aim to bring this local perspective to the forefront.

Our research explores the intricacies of Türkiye’s entrepreneurial ecosystem, investigating how Syrian entrepreneurs interact with local businesses, regulatory frameworks, and support networks. Access to formal employment is challenging, as Syrian entrepreneurs face barriers seeking opportunities in the local job market. Social cohesion policies and community dynamics also influences the economic integration of Syrian business owners, and this report sheds light on both the supportive and challenging aspects of these dynamics over the past 12 years. 

At the heart of this report are actionable insights and policy recommendations. This is a roadmap towards a more resilient future where Syrian entrepreneurs can thrive. From tackling informality to enhancing awareness, the recommendations are a call to action for stakeholders invested in Türkiye’s economic landscape.

DOWNLOAD THE REPORT in English, Arabic, or Turkish.


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