Reaching Across Borders and Cultures, Turkish and Syrian Entrepreneurs Extend A Hand To Each Other In Partnership

Reaching Across Borders and Cultures, Turkish and Syrian Entrepreneurs Extend A Hand To Each Other In Partnership

December 14, 2022 | Nawar Maarri

Continuous hard work, perseverance, and compassion. That’s how Ghalib Tayyar established what has grown to become one of the top construction companies in Gaziantep, Türkiye: Karen Insaat.

Syria has always held a special place in Ghalib’s heart, spending a lot of time there throughout his life. So when the war broke out, he harnessed his power as a small business owner to help benefit Syrians. 

“I always visited Syria before the war so I feel a responsibility towards this country that I love. I know every village and region in it. I have a duty that goes beyond the commercial relations.”

Through Building Markets’ matchmaking and tender services, Ghalib was able to connect with Syrian entrepreneurs, like Ali Ibrahim, and collaborate on bids for housing project contracts within Türkiye and Syria. Ali and Ghalib have since built a strong business relationship. 

Although they both work in construction today, they took different career paths. A bridal designer by trade, Ali made a big professional change when he moved his family from Syria to Türkiye. He worked in various construction factories where he built up his skills and then opened his own company, Eşik Mimarlık, in 2019.

Both Ali and Ghalib’s businesses have grown from their partnership. By subcontracting Eşik Mimarlık, Karen Insaat receives great expertise in implementing projects in Syria while providing opportunities to Eşik Mimarlık to connect with bigger jobs. Seventeen years after starting his business, Ghalib employs 25 people, half of which are Syrian. Together with partners like Ali, whom he met through Building Markets, Ghalib’s company has built more than 680 residential buildings, mosques, and schools in Syria.

Ghalib and Ali agree that integrating knowledge and experience is key for successful partnerships, transcending the boundaries of geography, demographics, language, color, or ethnicity. They added that trust and credibility have enabled their positive business relationship to continue and succeed.  

Speaking on the impact of Syrian businesses in Türkiye, Ghalib shared his positive outlook.

“Syrian entrepreneurs strengthen the economy of Turkey’s Gaziantep; they have become market leaders in the shoemaking and textile sectors in addition to their contribution to employment and export to Arab countries at a very large rate.”


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