Mohamad Alati


Mohamad Alati

Business Development Associate - Export Promotion

Mohamad Alati joined Building Markets in August 2023 as a Business Development Associate – Export Promotion.

His main responsibilities are creating, following up on, and tracking export operations and matchmaking leads, as well as contributing to organizing and implementing exports and matchmaking events.

Before Building Markets, Mohamad worked as an export sales specialist at Turkey’s machinery and food manufacturing companies. He has three years of experience in the marketing and sales field and participated in many International Fairs.

Mohamad has an Aeronautics Engineering bachelor’s degree from Gaziantep University. He is interested in volunteering jobs, participated in many NGO activities as a volunteer during his university period, and speaks English, Arabic, and Turkish fluently.


Aladdin Aksoy


Sedanur Albaş