Terry Peigh


Terry Peigh

Board Member

Terry Peigh is Senior Vice President, Managing Director at Interpublic. Currently, he serves as IPG’s senior-most corporate executive overseeing the company’s relationship with several global clients, and he actively participates in IPG’s multiagency model offerings. In addition, Terry leads IPG’s thought leadership/strategy program called New Realities, which defines the major changes impacting today’s and tomorrow’s marketing world and puts forward IPG’s point of view on how best to meet these new challenges via marketing communications. Terry first joined IPG in early 2003, and served as SVP, Director of Corporate Services with responsibility for managing the company’s global real estate, procurement, travel, and marketing information services.

Prior to joining Interpublic, Terry was Executive Vice President of Foote, Cone and Belding Worldwide, and a member of its Board. From 1998 to 2001, Terry was EVP, Director of Corporate Operations of True North Communications (which was acquired by Interpublic in 2001). He also served as a member of the Board of Directors of NASDAQ-listed Modem Media, a digital communications company owned in part by True North. Prior to his corporate role, Terry worked for 22 years in various management roles at True North’s lead advertising agency – FCB.

Terry serves on the boards of The Population Council and Mothers2Mothers. He received his BS from Northwestern University in 1974. In 1976, he was awarded an MBA, with honors, from the University of Chicago Booth Graduate School of Business, where he concentrated in marketing and finance.


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