Empowering Inclusivity: A Roadmap for Unlocking the Economic Potential of MSMEs in Colombia

Empowering Inclusivity: A Roadmap for Unlocking the Economic Potential of MSMEs in Colombia

Building Markets is pleased to present this report on micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in Colombia, with a particular emphasis on those owned by migrants and internally displaced persons (IDPs).

The primary goal of this report is twofold. First, we aimed to provide an overview of the state of MSMEs in Colombia, particularly those owned by migrants and IDPs. Through extensive research, we sought to understand the barriers and needs that these businesses face to gain valuable insights that will inform Building Markets’ future interventions to support and empower them.

Second, we endeavored to characterize and analyze the ecosystem of public, private, and cooperative actors working with and offering programs to MSMEs belonging to the aforementioned populations. By understanding the landscape of actors and interventions, we can identify opportunities for both Building Markets and peer organizations to make a meaningful impact in this vital sector.


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