Haiti Impact Report

Haiti Impact Report

The Peace Dividend Marketplace-Haiti project (PDM-H), an innovative approach to increasing the economic impact of the aid presence in Haiti, started in June 2009 with funding from the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). The implementing organization has been Peace Dividend Trust, which changed its operating name to Building Markets in 2012.

The Peace Dividend Marketplace model is an innovative approach to increasing the economic impact and the resulting peace dividend of the massive aid and humanitarian presence in Haiti. The project's goal is to reduce poverty in Haiti by reducing barriers to local procurement and increasing the participation of local businesses, most notably small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), in the reconstruction effort. The Peace Dividend Marketplace model uses a suite of services to address asymmetries and gaps in information faced by buyers and suppliers in the local marketplace.

During the project, more than 1,000 businesses were trained in international procurement procedures, and 82% of trainees surveyed three months later reported that the training had increased the number of contracts they bid on.


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