Liberia Market Overview Report: 2012

Liberia Market Overview Report

As Liberia makes the transition from post-conflict stability to sustained development, multinational corporations increasingly turn their attention to the country’s vast natural resource wealth. Foreign direct investment has risen considerably, from US$108 million in 2006 to an estimated US$378 million in 2009. Meanwhile, international organizations continue to implement numerous reconstruction and development projects.

Incorporating local enterprises into the supply chains of multinational corporations and international organizations holds great potential for Liberia’s development. It can strengthen small and medium enterprises by improving business capability, increasing access to capital, and transferring skills and knowledge. Local firms stimulate growth by reinvesting their earnings in domestic goods and services and creating jobs. Purchasing from local firms also benefits buyers by minimizing logistics and stock costs, reducing lead times, increasing the security of their supply, and maximizing their positive impact on Liberia’s economy.

The findings presented in this report offer the most comprehensive and current overview of the Liberian Marketplace. It is the first research product of the Sustainable Marketplace Initiative, a Building Markets project that connects entrepreneurs to international buyers in Liberia, thereby creating jobs and ultimately sustaining peace and stability. The report aims to facilitate the flow of information between international buyers and local businesses about the local market's landscape and the obstacles to procurement.


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